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Choosing Your Japa Mala

Are you trying to connect your perfect set of mala beads, but don't know where to start? It's a beautiful process, and we're here to help. While there is no wrong way to choose your mala, we have a few questions to help you on your journey.

What are you drawn to?

We often tell people, that the mala that you're drawn to first is the one you're meant to have. It truly can be that simple. Don't resist the ease. Embrace it. Allow yourself to surrender and be led by your heart.

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How To Choose Your Mala 

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What are you trying to manifest?

All of our mala beads carry their own intention. When searching for your perfect beads, we recommend you ask “What is my intention? What am I trying to manifest? Am I looking to cultivate more love in my life? More abundance? More strength?”

Will you be meditating or manifesting?

(Or both) Will you use the beads for meditation? Or do you simply want a daily reminder of your intentions? Our mala beads are suitable for both. If you are looking specifically for meditation, that's wonderful!

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